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L-Glutamine (600 gr.)

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    100% L-Glutamine Amino Acid

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    Duke blerë këtë produkt mund të grumbulloni deri në 400 pikë besnikërie . Shporta juaj do të përmbajë gjithsej 400 pikë që mund të shndërrohen në një kupon prej 80 Lekë .

    Vlera e mbetur nga blerja për të pëfituar transport falas 2 500 Lekë Transporti falas ofrohet për blerjet mbi 2 500 Lekë


    100% L-Glutamine Amino Acid

    Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human blood. Glutamine may become conditionally essential in certain situations, including intensive physical training, when the body cannot meet its needs by synthesizing glutamine. This conditionally essential amino acid can be provided by dietary protein intake, including by food supplements.


    Mix 1 serving (6 g) in 250 ml water or any other favorite liquid per day and shake vigorously! Use before, during or after training, or any other time like before going to bed.