Iso Whey Zero Black 2.3kg Flavor-Chocolate
- -20%
This is truth that is inescapable and irrefutable. You might argue or fight against it, but it suffices to use some common sense to figure out why protein is obligatory.
Without any scientific gibberish: protein is the building block of your muscles. If you are an amateur, you won’t need to understand more than that. Nevertheless, this is a fact that you should always keep in mind.
Just think about it, can you build ANYTHING if you are missing the building material for it?
Let’s imagine that you are finally building a house for yourself. You order the machinery, the workmen and even make sure that there are mobile toilets available. :) But you don’t provide bricks, mortar or concrete, that is the materials to be used. How on earth will your desired house get built then?
Now, if you do sports you will need some muscles. You may need more or slightly less of them, depending on the type of sport you pursue. But if you want to develop your body, you will need some additional muscles since you will be dealing with an increased physical load.
It does not matter whether you are a wannabe body-builder or your goal is to become better at running. You will need to build muscle for that. It’s like building your house. You will not manage unless you provide the building materials required. |
Now, let’s take our example further. Let's suppose you have some building material, but not the right kind for your house. You are brought only a huge pile of concrete or they want to built it from adobe bricks[G1] . Will you be satisfied with the outcome? I seriously doubt it.
But let me go even further. Let’s say you have the right construction material. But instead of procuring the right amount on a daily basis, you basically unload all of it at once and let the workers deal with it... or if you have the construction materials delivered every now and then, so there are hours of downtime... none of this is an ideal scenario, is it?
The same applies to proteins.
If you want to be successful you must be provide your body with protein at specific times that best suit your goal and ensure a continuous and balanced amino acid supply instead of binges followed by long breaks. |
Athletes have long been familiar with the fact that animal-derived proteins are the best protein sources for them. Without a question, casein is your best choice if you want a long-lasting amino acid supply. It can continuously feed nutrients to your muscles for hours long, and an equally important feature is that it gives a sense of satiety that can be a big deal during a diet.
For example, this type of protein is Micellar Casein: high in protein (73%), gluten free, fat free and preservative free so it can be easily incorporated into a variety of diets. Consuming it late at night is also particularly beneficial as its slow absorption allows you to nourish your muscles during the night.
Micellar casein is a giant molecule with a special structure that contributes to a slower absorption compared to other proteins.
The result is a balanced protein supply even during your sleep... so you can eliminate food cravings at night!