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Në ketë kategori do të gjeni informata mbi ushqimin!

  • Enegy Drinks?
    Enegy Drinks?
    4758 Views Liked

    Kjo kategori përbën një të pestën e tregut të pijeve. Nuk të bëjnë keq, por gjithmonë sasia e tepruar e pijeve ka efekte të tjera. Duhet të dini se pijet me ose pa gaz janë burim sheqeri dhe sa më rrallë të konsumohen aq më shumë do të mbroheni

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  • A diet low on carbohydrates
    A diet low on carbohydrates
    5100 Views Liked

    How to do a low-carb diet and what you should focus on while doing it for long term, examples of foods to avoid and a perfect 7-days sample meal plan.

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  • Spirulina: benefits in health and body shaping
    Spirulina: benefits in health and body shaping
    3267 Views Liked

    In this article we tell you why it is considered a super food, the many benefits Spirulina has and how it can help you reach your fitness goals.

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  • What to eat and avoid in a protein diet?
    What to eat and avoid in a protein diet?
    4869 Views Liked

    What is protein exactly? How does protein affect weight loss and muscle gain? What to eat and avoid during protein diet Protein diet sample meal plan

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Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Page)